
Showing posts from May, 2018

Financial Experts Dave Ramsey & Suze Orman On Timeshares

While it may be true that the timeshare arrangements can work for some families - we acknowledge it is far more common to have found they DON'T work for most.  We've uncovered the opinions of some of the world's top financial advisors, see for yourself what they have to say. DAVE RAMSEY  According to Dave Ramsey,  leading financial expert and television personality , timeshares are a scam.  Dave Ramsey has provided the world with over 20 years worth of reputable and solid financial advice, see how he reached his conclusion in his own words!  (Quoted content begins below) Myth:   I can get a great deal on a timeshare and go for vacation every year! Plus, I can always sell it later.  Truth:  Timeshares are one of the biggest scams on the market today. Once you are stuck in one, you are stuck in a black hole. The first word that should come to your head when you hear the word  timeshares  should be RUN! Run far, far away! If you run fast enough,